Kids of all ages love Bunk Beds and Loft Beds because they offer more floor space, a little adventure, and a cozy nest for sleeping. Bunk Beds, futon bunks, and ladders are now available online so they are easier than ever to purchase.
Childrens Bed Frame
As wonderful as they are, bunk beds have inherent dangers associated with them. There is no substitute for sitting down with your child on Day 1 of the new bunk bed and carefully explaining the safety rules. Ask kids to repeat what you have told them to ensure that they have understood. Here are some basic safety tips to avoid injuries using a bunk bed. Some are for parents in the initial set up and some are for kids to remember every day that they use the bunks.
Childrens Bed Frame
Top Bunk Safety
On the top bunk, use only mattresses sized to fit perfectly. The top bunk is generally a twin, so use only a twin-size mattress: 39" x 75".
Don't use a mattress more than 8" thick. The guardrails on most bunk beds are designed to accommodate up to an 8" thick mattress. Thicker mattresses place the sleeper too close to the top of the guardrail, rendering the rails ineffective in preventing falls.
Always use guardrails on all sides of the top bunk, particularly on the long sides. Check to ensure that the surface of the mattress is 5" or more below the top of the guardrails. If you need thick or heavy comforters on top of the mattress, you might want to select a thinner mattress so the sleeper stays well below the top of the guardrails. 6" thick mattresses are often sufficient for kids, whose lighter weight does not require extremely thick mattresses.
Never allow a child under 5 years old on the top bunk. While kids under 5 may be agile and have good climbing skills, they may need a few more years to refine their internal sense of caution and safety that would help them regulate their own behavior on the top bunk.
Teach children always to use the ladder for getting up and down from the top bunk. Many bunk and loft beds have slats on either end that may look like climbing structures that kids see at the playground. However, only the ladder is specifically designed to support their weight that is increasing with each passing year.
Teach children to climb the ladder only while facing the ladder. While it may look easy to them to climb down facing outward into the room, it is safer to climb down facing the ladder and holding on securely.
Respect the manufacturers' weight restrictions! Some bunk beds are constructed to handle up to 400 lbs. on the top bunk, but not all are. Read the accompanying safety materials to determine the weight limit. If none came with your recycled bunk bed, a medium-sized adult (approximately 200 lbs.) should climb to the top bunk to check the sturdiness and rigidity of the frame. Determine a maximum weight and do not allow a heavier person to use the top bunk.
Caution your children not to jump on a bunk bed (ever) - either on the upper or lower bed. Bunk beds are not designed for it. While the dangers of jumping on the top are obvious, even jumping on the bottom can weaken the entire structure or result in banged heads.
Overall Bunk Bed Safety
Place the bunk bed tightly against the wall to prevent children from becoming trapped between the bunk and wall. Use both long-side guardrails and caution your children from trying to slip down the back of the bed to the lower bunk.
Regularly check that the ladder, the guardrails, and other parts are tightly screwed down and properly in place. Fixtures loosen over time, so look over the whole structure once a month and tighten loose screws.
Hanging items from any part of the bunk bed is dangerous. Kids may reach over the edge for them, swing from them, and generally risk falling off or strangling.
All children benefit from a nightlight that will help them use the bunk or loft safely. Soft red lights allow dark-adapted eyes to see enough to get down without jarring them into a permanent awake state in the middle of the night.
Watch your children get up and down a half dozen times before leaving them alone with the bunk bed. Advise them on the safe ways to enter and leave the top bunk and ask them to show that they understand by doing it.
Following these simple safety tips should help you and your family enjoy your bunk or loft bed free of injury! Don't forget that bunk beds also come in futon designs that enable you to have a futon sofa as the bottom bunk. There you can read to your child before bedtime - a sure way to calm things down and engender a lifelong love of reading!
Bunk Bed Safety - Tips For Parents and Kids on How to Use Bunk and Loft Beds Safely
Childrens Bed Frame
Oct 30, 2011 03:49:06

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>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Twin Size Trundle Bed Frame - Unfinished Wood - 100% Clean Solid Wood No Toxins Made in America Simple and Strong!! <<
Twin Size Trundle Bed Frame - Unfinished Wood - 100% Clean Solid Wood No Toxins Made in America Simple and Strong!! Feature
- This Trundle Bed is EZ-to-Assemble and use Holds a Twin Size Mattress (38 x 75)
- 4 wheels make pulling out or storing away so easy! (It wont scratch floors)
- Built with High Quality, Eco-friendly Southern Yellow Pine No Chemicals
- You can stain/finish it to your liking, or let us stain it for you call for details
- 10 Year Warranty - Proudly Made in the USA Slatted Platform Base
Twin Size Trundle Bed Frame - Unfinished Wood - 100% Clean Solid Wood No Toxins Made in America Simple and Strong!! Overview
Room Doctor's trundle bed frames are designed to fit underneath most platform bed frames. Having a trundle bed can be the PERFECT space-saving solution for when you have guests or your children have sleep-overs. If you have guests often, it certainly makes life easier. Our trundle bed frames have wheels that make rolling the frame out for use a breeze, and rolling it back for under bed storage is just as easy. Our trundle beds are very strong & durable, and represent a fantastic value in home furnishings. We use solid pine wood slats for the trundle deck, and they will provide you with ample strength and support while keeping you off the floor. The trundle bed frame comes ready-to-assemble, and assembly is so easy! There are no tools required; the allen wrench you need is included. If your bed frame meets the following requirements, it will work for you. You will need a bed frame that has at least 10.5 Inches in under-clearance from the floor to the bottom of the bed rail. Your bed frame must have an Inside Clearance (left to right) of 74.5 Inches in length for the trundle to fit. The inside slatted platform sits 3 off the ground, so we recommend using a basic futon mattress no thicker than 7-8 Inches to avoid conflict with the upper bed. In the event that you are purchasing this Trundle Bed with one of Room Doctors Pine Platform Beds, we do offer a lift kit for our matching platform beds that allows you to raise the upper bed to a specified desired height, giving you more freedom with the choice of mattress used in the trundle. This Trundle will hold a standard Twin Size Futon Mattress or a Conventional Bed Mattress that measures 38 x 74. You are buying only the Trundle Bed Frame; Mattresses and Covers shown are sold separately. Room Doctor Representatives (1-866-766-6362) can assist with mattress advice or custom options to help you ensure you get what you need.
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